Building an openSUSE Wagn Appliance

  1. Install VirtualBox on your host. I used the latest Oracle build on an openSUSE 11.2 host, but this should work on any host.
  2. Download the openSUSE i586 install DVD from You don't need to burn it to media.
  3. Create a new virtual machine. The default RAM is 512 MB and the default disk is 8 GB. This should be fine - you can always make them bigger later.
  4. Assign the DVD image to the virtual machine CD drive and set the network adapter to "Bridged".
  5. Start the virtual machine. Go through the normal install sequence. Select "Other" and "server." When you get to "Partitioning", create an installation without a separate "/home" partition.
  6. Before the install starts, edit the "Software". Add "Web server" and "Ruby development" patterns. This will bring in the whole LAMP stack and Ruby. The Ruby is 1.8.7 P 72. Then do a "Details", "Search" and add the "git" package. Add PostgreSQL if you want it - I usually do since I know nothing about MySQL. ;-)
  7. Proceed with the install.
  8. When the machine comes back up, log in as "root". Note that "ssh" is *disabled* by default. If you want to work coming in via "ssh", you can change that default in the install.
  9. Edit the host name file "/etc/HOSTNAME".
  10. Do "yast2 ntp-client" and enable a time server.
  11. Do "zypper install rubygem-rails". This will install Rails 2.3 and its dependencies.
  12. Do "zypper install ruby-mysql rubygem-sqlite3". Do "zypper install rubygem-pg" or "zypper install rubygem-postgres" if you're using PostgreSQL.
  13. Do "yast2 http-server". This configures Apache, and tells you where stuff is in the process. ;-) It turns out that the "Document Root" is "/srv/www/htdocs" on an openSUSE 11.2 machine.
  14. To be continued ...