differentiate *css on wagn.org from english






remind me why this is valuable?

Once or twice already i've made a change to new/english or wagn.org that i intended to make to the other site. By this or some other mechanism, at some point we decided we wnated there to be some obvious indicator beyond the icon distinguishing wagn.org from new Wagn installs. (If we want them to look different from English, then we'll have to do some more work, but this would be a start anyway)

  --John Abbe.....Thu Apr 16 08:52:48 -0700 2009

I made the top bar on English black. Good enough for now?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu May 21 13:35:22 -0700 2009

I guess. Tempted to try for something nicer / more coherent (this is the look that every new Wagn will have), but no brain for it at the moment.

  --John Abbe.....Sat May 23 01:10:22 -0700 2009

we'll soon touch things up, probably using Nathan's pattern. This ticket was just to differentiate, not to beautify. I don't think the black makes it dramatically less coherent, as there's already black around.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sat May 23 13:31:16 -0700 2009