fix file saving bugs


fix file saving bugs+status
fix file saving bugs+priority
fix file saving bugs+tag
fix file saving bugs+commit

fix file saving bugs+issues

  1. When there is a file plus card on a new card you often have to click "create" twice to get it to save.
  2. Even if no file is there, a card is created.  (It shouldn't be)



fix file saving bugs+example

When I save Receipts on, these two bugs really grate at me.


This also happens on when adding a file to a resource (via related tab)


I just ahd to click "Submit" twice to upload a file on johnabbe --


Tested the same arrangement on another card and then it worked, so shrug.

I tried a few more and didn't have a problem. Might have been an unrelated server issue...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Apr 29 15:47:43 -0700 2010