implement autoname by right




If snapshot+*autoname == 0001, then the item shown when creating a Pointer named |anything|+snapshot is automatically named 0001, and snapshot+*autoname is incremented to 0002.


(Typically will be combined with Pointer input full)


also see implement autoname by type



I don't recall if we designed this, but thought i'd throw up my best memory/creation.

so it gets renamed?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....2013-04-03 21:33:53 +0000

This doesn't quite make sense to me yet.

--Gerry Gleason.....2014-01-17 02:44:04 +0000

Anyway, wouldn't the set pattern be snapshot+*right+*autoname ? It would be a little different than the type case, semantically, that is.


Let's say we include or link {{foo+snapshot}} or [[foo+snapshot]], we want to create a new card and increment the contents of a *autoname setting with each create of foo+snapshot. foo+snapshot can't actually be created or it would then exist and not trigger the new action on linking or put the "Add foo+snapshot" in place of the inclusion would not happen. Or maybe it could exists and the snapshot+*right+*autoname rule would keep it from really being created.


The tricky part is where to put the autoname value. I guess it could go in foo+snapshot and we would seed that from the value in the *right+*autoname rule when it didn't exist. You'd rename on create from foo+snapshot to foo+{{autoname value}}


What if you put {{+autoname value}} into foo+snapshot, then the raw view would naturally give the autoname value and core view (and views that derive from core) would get foo+0001 (incrementing, so the current one)

--Gerry Gleason.....2014-01-17 03:26:56 +0000

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