in multi-edit only update inclusions that changed


in multi-edit only update inclusions that changed+status
in multi-edit only update inclusions that changed+priority
in multi-edit only update inclusions that changed+tag
in multi-edit only update inclusions that changed+commit

in multi-edit only update inclusions that changed+issues

other inclusions show up in recent changes (because updated_at field on cards table gets touched, even though there's no new revision.




tempted to do quick refactoring here.  worth looking at.

This is a trickier issue than I thought. What I thought was happening was that we were re-saving / touching *every* inclusion, regardless of what had changed. That's not the case. Most are not being resaved -- update_attributes is apparently already checking for differences.

In the tests I ran with tickets and User cards, it was almost always *only* the discussion card that was saved unwanted.

Perhaps what's happening is that tinyMCE and our ruby content processing are doing a bit of battle, and as each trims and reformats the text, the content actually is somehow different each time. Maybe?

It might be something like one preferring
and one preferring
. What I don't get is how the ruby conversions are happening *after* the update_attributes comparison... If they're not, then you'd think it would just convert it back to the original data.

At any rate, it's not the easy solution I'd hoped for. Might be worth Lew's two cents, but I think it may be ok to move this off of 1.0.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Apr 29 23:09:54 -0700 2009

Looks like this has in fact been done. Am i missing something?

  --John Abbe.....Tue Jun 09 03:39:53 -0700 2009

I'm pretty sure it doesn't always work. I don't entirely get the pattern.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Jun 09 08:35:58 -0700 2009