show more items in Pointer closed view



Looks like right now we're only showing three or four even if there are more. This is misleading when it leaves lots of white space to the right.








  • √bang on 0.10+3 rc
  • √follow-up on Wagn for RCC
  • √get Ted input on usability
  • Connectipedia ticketing - find notes; get a handle on what's wanted/needed; do
  • do a Wagn Spokes out of Wagn 0.10 and beyond
  • merge custom edit instructions into help text (and as a tag)
  • clean up General+discussion (& handled stuff to Wagn+discussion+archive)



  • communicate w board re hosting/consulting prices
  • Ethan: sell to academics/foundations/social media gurus and learn from the process


I can't believe we've survived this long with so problems from our trimming mechanism.  It's hard, actually.  I think the reason why pointers show up as shorter is that they've got more html.

show more items in Pointer closed view+relevant user stories