• if you delete a tag and then try to open it ajaxily from a page that still links to it (eg, one in a different browser tab), you get a big fat error. —now inline oops.
  • tagging with self breaks shit. (let’s just disallow for now, eh?)—now workspace oops.
  • tildas in new tags are allowed—which means all hell is fully permitted to break loose. —now workspace oops.
  • titles messing up when adding new tags to combo cards. —fixed
  • trouble adding pages under production environment —fixed
  • when you click edit and try to save something without making a change on any card in paragraph view, the error comes back most unpalatably. (browser message … lots of ruby spew…)—now silently does no revision. ideal would be flash[notice], but the default i guess isn’t ajax-aware..
  • not enough checks for duplicated tags (eg. renaming allows duplicate) —now gives a workspace oops.
  • re-tagging a card with a tag it’s already been tagged with never gives an error, but doesn’t work. —now a workspace oops.
  • :return_to is not getting set whenever you view a page—I got return to working for simple cases after remove.
  • some search results returning duplicates (try doing searches on brandon on the board site)—this was a problem in the data—multiple tags w/ same node_id & node_type. only existed in board_production; i fixed the data there and added a unique constraint migration
  • * 1 to 0 of 0 still showing up on search results…—cleaned up search results page.
  • linked from displays multi-pages with tildas