small feature requests
card name unique check case insensitive?
LinkEditor should check valid card name if not
http:// ??
pluralization issue with cardtypes
how do you get out of a bulleted list in wikiwyg?
change datatype should take effect without page reload
switiching between view/edit/changes-- should be smooth-- use Ajax callback NEED TO CHECK THIS IN IE AS WELL
Lister should indicate what it's up to.
edit takes about a year on IE
search/lister options
should load on page load instead of waiting for Lister
then can cut and paste search links
permissions stuff should be up a level from where it is in wql
probably in the card model: Card.find_by_wql with/without permissions
log in -> sign in
ServerDatatype -> ScriptDatatype
BlockController -> SearchController
link_to_connector_update -> link_to_lister_update
User cardtype -> Person cardtype
duplicates on name stem if name matched keyword
feature tweaks
shade: on/off === value ( changes both highlighiting and editing )
title linked in full view cards (trancluded |view:full or view:titled)
currently, anything taking content has to return that content object,
returning just a string will bustss. should handle that replace internally.
When a Wagn card is collapsed the text continues to the edge of the card. I feel this is unnecessarily confusing and think it would look better and add useful functionality if instead there were three dots "..." (e.g. "Wagn card content, ridiculousness and other such nonsense|" becomes "Wagn card content, ridiculousness and other such nonse...|" The "..." would also act as a link to expand the card.