Issues needing further attention:

  1. In the case of “Strict”, this proposal assumes that a given word can be translated between two languages in a way that makes sense throughout the site.  This may be ok on Wikirate, but in general it’s a fairly unsafe assumption.  Most likely the problem would be solved by addressing the next problem:
  2. At present, we commonly set titles inside nest syntax, eg {{mycard|title: my special name}}.  This proposal doesn’t yet have any suggestions for how to make this multilingual, but this will be needed.
  3. Every example here uses European languages that use roughly the same alphabet, read from left to right, etc.  It’s highly probable that this has led to oversights.
  4. There’s no real specification about how the flagging of out-of-date notifications works for strict translations.
  5. The implementation does not yet sufficiently entail a deep exploration of different combinations of name / content translation patterns.