Several things I like / want:
- easy re-ordering (to me this begs for a pointer interface with drag and drop)
- sorting searches by pointer order (for example, I should be able to make a pointer called priorities that points to low, med, and high, and then have a search (like *options) return them in that same order. Would probably do this via references table
- interchangeable pointers and searches in applicable settings. (eg, *options)
Plus, obviously, we need to fix that multiselect bug. Looked into it enough to see problem (no pointees cgi variable sent for blank lists). The pointer api is getting messy; would really like to standardize and clean.
1. implement draggable Pointer items (some great thoughts here for specifying the design)
2. respect order of Pointer items found with referred_to_by
3. let settings now needing Searches accept Pointers
let multiselect select zero items
add input option like multiselect but with ordering
--John Abbe.....Sun Feb 20 16:32:57 -0800 2011