
Pointers have several different edit interfaces, which may be set using the *input Setting.


To continue our example from above, assume you include a Pointer called "+participants" on the Session form. In that case, you can set "Participants+*right+*input" to be any of the following input types.



Pointer+edit interface
"List" view is the default interface for Pointers. It is basically a series of autocomplete fields.


In list view, when you start typing an item, Wagn will do its best to fill in the rest by listing the names of existing cards that begin with whatever you typed in (much like it does in the navbox).



A list of radio buttons, each for one card. One and only one may be selected.



A list of checkboxes, each for one card. You can select as few or as many as you want.



A dropdown menu of cards.



A box listing all the relevant cards and allowing any number to be selected.