Wagn blog entries

Wagn 1.2 - Have it your way

custom layouts and more powerful forms mean Wagn 1.2 will help you get even more creative and organized.


With our new custom layouts, you can arrange cards (including newly "virtual" cards like search bars, alerts, etc) on pages however you see fit.  It all works just like any wagn card: you edit, you include, you save.


Wagn 1.2 also features an upgrade to our forms system with a trimmer look and a lot more pointer interface options (dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc).  And we've made it easier to create links that prepopulate forms.  Smarter default values makes for smoother workflow.


Wagn's a great canvas.  Paint away!


Fabulous! Thanks for your work!!

  --Patrick (Not signed in).....Sun Oct 25 13:00:44 -0700 2009

Couple of questions about input options. Is there a multi-select mode where I can have the select widget, possibly multi-line with scrollbar, but also select more than one option like checkbox. I know there is such an option on select in html.


Where would you add the link for +*input and +*options, on the "config tab" under related? I didn't see it, but I figured that is just an oversight to be added later.

  --Gerry Gleason.....Mon Oct 26 14:52:42 -0700 2009

Not 100% sure i get what you mean, but you may mean the multiselect option.


+*input and +*options now appear (where relevant) in the settings subtab of the Options tab.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jan 03 09:06:39 -0800 2010

Wagn 1.1 - I'm a card watcher

Monitoring your website is great.  Scanning every 5 minutes in case you missed something?  Not so good.  You need a way to get notified when important things happen when you're not watching.  So now Wagn can "watch" for you.


As of Wagn 1.1, released on Aug 12, 2009, signed-in users can click "watch" on the footer of any card to receive emails about changes to that card.  You can also watch card "types" (Blogs, Tickets, Images, etc) and get updates about changes to any card of that type.


The 1.1 release, which runs on Ruby on Rails version 2.3, also improves installation and image uploads. 


Learn more about using notifications.

See Wagn 1.1 for upgrade notes and full details.

The Story Behind Wagn 1.0

Wow, 1.0 is finally here (see the press release).  We've pondered, crafted, refined, and gotten organized, and now Wagn's ready to help you do the same things on your projects.


It's been a long journey.  We had the idea three years ago at a wiki conference called Recent Changes Camp.  We wanted to build a consumer education website called Hooze that used all the "together fuel" of a site like Wikipedia, but was better at breaking information into smaller bits — few of us want to read an encyclopedia article before we buy crackers or a lightbulb, right?  But how do you make patterned information simple and fun to use?


So we started with smaller units than webpages, and we decided to call them "cards."  We're all familiar with lots of kinds of cards: playing cards, postcards, business cards, library cards...  They're all different sizes and hold different amounts of information, everything from a picture to a filing record to a complete story.  The same goes for cards on Wagn.


As we started organizing cards of information about companies and products, we quickly saw patterns emerging.  We wanted company cards, for example, to include logo cards, address cards, etc.  This has been one of the driving ideas behind Wagn: cards including other cards in patterned ways.


Unfortunately, we never really found funding for our ambitious consumer education website idea, but in the process of looking for support, we found Meyer Memorial Trust.  Brandon Sanders, a board member at the time, walked up to Marie Deatherage from Meyer and said "I've got to meet the only other person in the room with a stripe of pink hair."  Pink hair, in our experience, correlates strongly with vision.  Before long, Meyer was using Wagn to launch connectipedia.org, a website that helps do-gooders of all stripes connect and share resources.


That was over a year ago, when Wagn was running version 0.9.   At the time we thought 1.0 was right around the corner, but we just...weren't...quite...ready.  We wanted to speed things up a bit, improve some usability, nail down that one bug.  So 0.9 was followed not by 1.0 but by 0.10.  And then 0.11.  Version 0.12 was used as the conference wiki for Recent Changes Camp 2009.  With version 0.13 we introduced a major upgrade to our hosting and consulting services, which has brought in some great new projects, like academic paper tracking for a national research group.


And now, many tweaks, fixes, and enhancements later, we think Wagn is ready.  Oh, it's far from done — we've got literally hundreds of design ideas in our tracking system (which we built using Wagn), and our community continues to offer more each day — but Wagn is now too strong to hide behind a zero.  1.0 is here.


There've been plenty of bumps in the road.  We've had a few development pauses, lots of funding lapses, and long stretches without a full-time programmer on the project.  So we feel some extra pride in pushing through to 1.0 in the middle of an economic downturn that saw the end of our grant funding and the relocation of our core team from one state to three.  But we all believed in the value of our work, as did a much bigger "we" of supporters, idea people, advisers, code contributors, interns, testers, and friends.


We really hope Wagn will continue to do good in the world by making it easier for people to collaborate on, organize, and trumpet their ideas in profound and meaningful ways.


How can you use Wagn to help build a thrivable world?




Yeah! So happy to see 1.0 meet the world. <<<<< >>>>>


I plan to use my wagn to build a new space for thrivable.org to co-create a thrivable world. ;)

  --Jean (Not signed in).....Wed Jun 10 10:50:15 -0700 2009

I too, am so thrilled to see where wagn is today on big happy launch day! Getting familiar with the structure and playing with the many possibilities for organizing information is what makes our wagn- http://connectipedia.org such an amazing resource for the nonprofit community.

  --Phoebe Owens (Not signed in).....Wed Jun 10 12:01:46 -0700 2009

Have only hours ago landed here (first visit). After a short initial glimpse or clickabout, I find that wagn looks impressive.


So, onwards into the vast frontier ahead, ye sifters and shakers!

  --stedawa (Not signed in).....Wed Jun 10 15:07:47 -0700 2009

mazel tov! I look forward to playing with our new (little, green) Wagn.

  --misuba (Not signed in).....Wed Jun 10 17:25:37 -0700 2009

Interesting. Reminds me a lot of the server sided TiddlyWiki ideas. It will be neat to see what comes out of this.

  --Ken (Not signed in).....Fri Jun 12 15:35:51 -0700 2009

I'm trying to play in your sandbox, but I'm lacking documentation on cardtype forms. Where can I find out more about those? And yes, wagn looks awesome - it's the server-sided tiddly-style app I kept thinking I should write... :)

  --Anonymous (Not signed in).....Tue Jun 30 10:54:13 -0700 2009

See structure. Glad you like it!

  --John Abbe.....Tue Jun 30 11:01:01 -0700 2009


  --Anonymous (Not signed in).....Wed Oct 07 10:22:32 -0700 2009

Wagn 0.13 - Ahh. Feels good.

0.13 is here.  1.0 is next.


After three years of exploration, innovation, and refinement, Wagn 1.0 is now less than a month away.  Our basic toolkit for our "Wiki on Wheels" is ready to roll. All that's left for 1.0 is a little time to breathe in, sweep out corners, squash a bug or two, and then throw open our doors.


Starter Kit


With our 0.13 release, getting going with a new Wagn is faster and friendlier than ever. New wagns come with configuration cards, simpler initial account setup, and a lot more cues to help ease your way in.


Improving our Images


For our existing users, new image and file handling is the most significant interface change.  No more crazy giants. Images are now automatically resized into four sizes for use in different contexts: icon, small, medium, and large. We now also retain old versions of images and files.


One Sleek Wiki


Wagn's getting slimmer. We streamlined an already svelte application quite a bit, from around 15,000 lines of original ruby code (excludes plugins and migrations) to about 14,000. Some of that came from spring cleaning, some from refactoring (like WQL, our query language, which lost weight and built muscle), and some from moving old code into new cards, which gives Wagneer powers once restricted to coders. Non-coders can configure their own Wagns, collaborate on default content for new Wagns, and help us internationalize our software.


On a Related Note


Our new Related tab, once a scary sight to newbies, is now like a mountain lake: clear (lots of inline cues), deep (subtabs), and broad (includes discussions and tagging). And you can even customize your own subtabs. In the typically Wagny way, the subtabs themselves are arranged and formatted by cards that you can edit.


The Tightmost Sitehost


A little more arcane but at least as important is our new support for hosting multiple wagns in a single Postgres database. This is already making our hosted Wagns snappier and our administrators happier.

Thank you ever so much. When can we hope for 1.0 release?

  --Jean (Not signed in).....Mon Jun 01 15:40:30 -0700 2009

We're aiming for June 10. Some of the delays have been due to client work, which is a good thing.

  --John Abbe.....Tue Jun 02 10:01:26 -0700 2009

Wagn 0.12 - The Simple Life

The latest Wagn release hushes old noise and removes old barriers.

Link: essay writer

The most prominent change in Wagn 0.12 is the big new search box — we integrated the two separate Search and Goto boxes at the top into one. We've also added RSS feeds on all Search, including Recent Changes.


A bit more hidden is the fact that accounts are no longer tied exclusively to User cards. Cards of most any type — like Company, for example — can now have accounts added to them. Conversely, it's possible to create User cards for people without having to give them accounts, and add accounts for them later. Also, Wagn administrators can now choose to let people sign up with or without invitation approval.


0.12 also ushers in some big improvements in adding new cards within cards, including smarter defaults and rendering them more attractively. Similarly, lists of items in Search and Pointer look a lot better, and it's now possible for cards created through a Pointer to default to a given cardtype.


Full details at Wagn 0.12


  --Anonymous (Not signed in).....Sat Apr 11 07:37:40 -0700 2009