When does it trigger?


If any of these take 'long enough' (a quarter second? imagining there's some good UI research out there about how long after the user is waiting is good to start showing a progress wheel)

  • Waiting for card to open/close
  • Waiting to change tabs (and submenus in Edit)
  • Waiting for Edit view to render (wait to show cards until edit render complete)
  • Waiting after clicking Create/Save/Cancel/Delete
  • Waiting for searchbar menu to appear
  • Waiting for auto-complete in Pointer
  • Waiting for recaptcha to appear


Where does it appear?


In the same place all the time?

  • bottom-right
  • top-center (like Google)
  • in-place near whatever's happening


Near whatever you're waiting for?

On cards, in the card header?

On search/goto menu, temporarily replace magnifying glass? (similar to Firefox when it's autocompleting)

On auto-complete in Pointers, ??




Best if it changes the mouse appearance. If JS is waiting for something over some short threshold (1-2 seconds), then it should do this until the response is back and being formatted and inserted.

--Gerry Gleason.....2013-06-08 21:33:04 +0000

but what if you're working on a different card on the same page?  (doesn't the mouse changing make it feel like the whole page is stuck?)

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-06-10 05:14:01 +0000

let's look into default jqueryui options.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-06-10 05:14:25 +0000

maybe the mouse could change only when moused over the active card?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-06-10 15:53:52 +0000