expand_less A [[*layout]] rule works like any other rule (see the [[rules]] documentation to learn about navigating to and editing rules).
Here is the layout card currently in use on wagn.orgdecko.org. .  ("Bruce" is just the name we gave this skin because it sounds like "bruise"; our skin is black and blue.)
{{bruce layout|editor}}{{decko org layout 2|editor}}
(See [[https://decko.org/bruce_layout.txt?view=raw|raw HTML syntax]])
Notice how the layout uses standard [[Nest Syntax]].   These inclusionsnest work just like any normal inclusionnest --. it simply includes those cards.
For a layout to function correctly, it must includehave these two cards:

{{*head}} -- without
this inclusion, javascript nest:won't work, so your Wagn will lose all its dynamic functionality

{{_main}} -- this "[[contextual name]]" determines where the main card goes.  For example, if you go to a card named "Hot Dog", then the Hot Dog card will appear where this inclusionnest shows up in the layout.   Without this inclusion,nest, every card with this layout will look the same.


Note: the default [[view]] for cards included anywhere outside the main card is core, rather than the usual content.