Not sure I get this. There are implicit lists (stored as queries of some sort) and explicit lists (stored as the full list). I'm not sure there are a lot of exceptions to this; I haven't seen anything in playlists that does that.
I can see saving a current implicit list as an explicit list (taking a search, making it a pointer, then tweaking the order). But I don't get how we would represent a blend of the two.
They let you custom-order "search" (aka implicit) playlists, give it a try.
There are certainly non-trivial design, and no doubt implementation, issues - for example I haven't seen what happens if you change the search to exclude an item in the middle of a list and then change it back.
--John Abbe.....Sun Feb 13 13:05:58 -0800 2011
It gets added to the end. (This happens whenever items are newly found by the search.)
--John Abbe.....Tue Apr 05 21:53:59 -0700 2011