
ignore the when sorting alphabetically+status

ignore the when sorting alphabetically+priority

ignore the when sorting alphabetically+tag


ignore the when sorting alphabetically+issues

Common problem when dealing with names of things that often begin with "the". Maybe "a" as well?




Just do it, or offer a setting?


  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Mar 10 17:01:45 -0800 2011

just want to note that this is going to be more hard-coded english.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Apr 17 11:56:19 -0700 2011

tried that solution and reverted. trim doesn't treat those like strings but like characters -- no dice.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri May 06 22:18:39 -0700 2011

ignore the when sorting alphabetically+relevant user stories