Feature: Notifications
Given I log in as Joe User
Scenario: Anonymous User
Given I log out
When I go to the homepage
Then I should not see "watch"
Scenario: Logged in User
When I go to the homepage
Then In the main card footer I should see "watch"
Scenario: Watching a Card
When I go to the homepage
And In the main card footer I click the watch link
And the page updates
Then In the main card footer I should see "unwatch"
And the card Home+*watchers should contain "Joe User"
Scenario: Unwatching a Card
Given the pointer Home+*watchers contains "Joe User"
And I am on the homepage
When In the main card footer I click the unwatch link
And the page updates
Then In the main card footer I should not see "unwatch"
And the card Home+*watchers should not contain "Joe User"
Scenario: Watching a Cardtypes
When I go to card User
Then In the main card footer I should see "watch User cards"
Scenario: A Card whose Cardtype is Watched
Given the pointer User+*watchers contains "Joe User"
When I go to card Joe User
Then In the main card footer I should see "watching User cards"
Scenario: Watching Cardtypes
Given the pointer Cardtype+*watchers contains "Joe User"
When I go to card User
Then In the main card footer I should see "watching Cardtype cards | watch User cards"