
label context-named inclusions correctly+status
label context-named inclusions correctly+priority
label context-named inclusions correctly+tag
label context-named inclusions correctly+commit


label context-named inclusions correctly+solution

any cards that contain _self, _whole, _left, _right, or _user show fullname in links and inclusions.


label context-named inclusions correctly+example

In this simple test, foo+ is okay, but the link and Add |cardname| should render as foo+simple test:





foo+label context-named inclusions correctly



Header 1



Header 2



Header 3



Header 4







foo+_self on this plus card results in this:


foo+label context-named inclusions correctly+discussion


The labelling issue is is not the point here, but note that it links to foo+label contextual right-sides correctly+example. Not sure what we should do about that. It sort of makes sense, but is also illogical given that you can't plus to plus cards.

hmm. interesting. not sure we want to do anything different yet, but good to point it out and keep an eye on it.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Mar 17 11:20:42 -0700 2009

Noted this on the Google doc.

  --John Abbe.....Tue Mar 24 19:49:20 -0700 2009

Testing at http://new.wagn.org/wagn/DeleteMe+new

  --John Abbe.....Tue Mar 24 22:58:27 -0700 2009

Good time to fix up contextual names.

  --John Abbe.....Wed Mar 25 16:36:20 -0700 2009

thinking we shouldn't have any dev tickets in "documenting" status for more than a week.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Aug 02 20:29:04 -0700 2009