
leave home card URL as just base URL+status
leave home card URL as just base URL+priority
leave home card URL as just base URL+tag
leave home card URL as just base URL+commit

leave home card URL as just base URL+issues

If you hover over the "Home" link or the logo link you get the base URL, but if you click on it you get "/wagn/|home card name|" appended, and this is what will show up on bookmarking and news services. So Wagns that get popular and then change home URLs will at best not get the ranking they 'should', and at worst leave broken URLs floating around the net.


leave home card URL as just base URL+solution

  def index
    if User.no_logins?
      redirect_to '/admin/setup'
      params['id'] = System.setting('*home')



Works. Awesome! Closing.