Wagn in production

Note to Ruby-on-Rails developers: Decko defaults to running in "production" mode.  We've chosen this Ruby-on-Rails mode to serve the

many users who just want to use Decko.  If you're someone who wants to help build Decko, please see development.


In general, installing Decko for production is like any other Installation, but you will want to be behind a webserver like Apache or Nginx.

To set up Decko behind an Apache webserver, we recommend using Phusion Passenger. In general, you will follow the instructions for deploying a Rack-based Ruby application.


Following the above example, your apache config might look something like this:


<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /srv/mydeck/current/public
  <Directory /srv/mydeck/current/public>
          AllowOverride all
          Options -MultiViews


 You will also need to make sure that the apache user (usually www-data) has read access to config.ru and read/write access to your log, tmp, and file directories





The above should help you get Decko working, but you'll have to do a bit more to make it fast.

  1. memcache. This is vital for a high-performing deck.

    To configure Decko for memcache, add this to your Gemfile:
    gem 'dalli'
    and edit config/application.rb with the following:
    config.cache_store = :dalli_store, []
  2. mod_xsendfile. File and Image cards process permissions before sending the file.  This makes that fast.
  3. mod_expires. Makes use of decko's non-expiring assets so images, stylesheets, and javascript don't slow down page loads at all.
  4. You'll need to enable mod_headers so that the ht_access will work (Headers directives)