When creating an "All Cards" card, with {"sort":"alpha"}, then stepping thru each page, in the middle of the pages, it emits an error.
See http://seattleonfire.wagn.org/all_cards and then keep clicking on more. After two clicks, you get:
Oh, Man. You found a hitch in the Wagn
so for this one, the first thing we need is a ticket to make sure searches don't break just because one card in them does: rescue search when item breaks This is pretty easy and should be 1.4 or earlier.
after we do that, we should go back to John's specific issue and see if we can fix it.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Dec 08 15:50:40 -0800 2009
ok, ticketed. Changing to "answered".
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 22 09:07:35 -0800 2010