expand_less Thanks for the ticket!
I pasted in an email address and didn't see anything odd.  Q's

In what way did it act like there was a blank image?
what browser / os are you using?
Has this happened repeatedly?
would you be willing/able to send a screenshot?
what were you cutting and pasting from?  did you just paste it in the +email field?
See http://conveneeugene.wagn.org/Alan%C2%A0_Low%C2%A0 (ignore the % stuff in the name, that's another ticket - Wagn needs to filter out some invisible characters, imho).

Top-right, where there should be an image (or just "+image" you'll see:

When we were adding the card, pasting into the +email field changed the image selection interface to look as if an image had been selected.

This is in Chrome, Windows 7. Yes, repeatedly. I can get you a screenshot if you still want one after this additional info. Cutting and pasting, from a spreadsheet (Google Doc I think).   --[[John Abbe]].....Fri May 11 03:25:21 +0000 2012