"Browsing Butterfly"
Casual visitors feel at home on elegant Decko sites, or decks.
Casual visitors feel at home on elegant Decko sites, or decks.
customizable Bootstrap skins
unobtrusive edit interface
mobile friendly
"Editing Eagle"
Authorized users create and edit versioned content in cards.
Authorized users create and edit versioned content in cards.
edit in context
revertible histories
granular permissions

"Card Shark"
Advanced users make rules that govern how cards look and behave.
Advanced users make rules that govern how cards look and behave.
Sets based on name and type
nested card structures
Card Query Language (CQL)
"Code Monkey"
Anything you can’t do in cards, you can do in code with mods.
Anything you can’t do in cards, you can do in code with mods.
inherits from Ruby on Rails
DSL for views and events
MoFoS architecture

"Platform Platypus"
A committed community is developing this wiki-inspired framework.
A committed community is developing this wiki-inspired framework.
free and open source
GPL v2 and v3
continuous integration testing
One of the most exciting things to happen to Wiki since I coined the term.
– Ward Cunningham, inventor of the wiki.