I've heavily customized the css and html on the main page but I can't figure out how to remove "Invite a friend form the top bar.
It isn't on any card.
*account links
Nevermind.... found the card *account links
However the search system did no display it when searching for account, I think it treats *account as a single word and doesn't zero in on it.
Nope... back again... it seems my edits are useless, the card just sits there...
Right on several counts. The searching needs to be improved to handle asterisks.
The *account links card has its content overwritten by a mod that handles links to: sign in, sign out, sign up, currently-signed-in-user, and invitations. There are not yet any configuration options within that; they're automatically handled based on permissions and the current session state.
In the case of the invitation links, they only appear to people who have permission to create accounts.
(Note: this section is under development now, because the account handling is all being refactored. There's a good chance we will take this link out, since it's, well, not universally loved).
fwiw, here is the relevant code: