Cut and paste to and from plain text editor loses formatting+issues

From one of our PDEC members who is trying to edit a long, formatted description on, and expected wikitext syntax:


The killer argument for editing with syntax rather than wysiwyg is

that big contributors like to use their favorite text editor rather

than Wagn's wysiwyg editor (sorry, wagn developers, but world does

not need yet another editor - everybody already has his favorite one).


This way they are productive and they stay with local copy just in

case the wiki screws up and eats your text. Happens pretty often when

two people accidentally simultaneously edit the same page (do not yet

know what Wagn does in this situation, but I have learned to mistrust

wikis in this respect and am noot easily convinced otherwise).


Proposed fixes:


1. Allow use of traditional wiki syntax (e.g. mediawiki), or

2. Document and allow use of Wagn's internal syntax (I am pretty

   certain Wagn uses some syntax to serialize rich text to

   a database field).


The "fix" of editing in HTML is not particularly attractive as

the syntax is cumbersome and even more geeky than wiki syntax.

Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I can create using HTML constructs

that Wagn wysiwyg editor can not cope with. Possibly even that wagn

rendering can not cope with.


Until bidirectional cut and paste without loss of formatting

is supported, I cannot use Wagn for my projects. I hope

you understand the importance of this feature and how it

affects adoption.


--Sampo Kellomäki