We often do demonstrations at conferences we go to, and if we're near you in person we'd probably be happy to do a demo with you too.
Show adding or at least viewing/editing an existing card, and how editing something in one place results in change elsewhere. Then go through these, eventually showing how that was Wagneered:
- Open/close main card, sidebar card.
- Add a card, type something, save.
- Include a relevant card with view:open, save.
- Show that it's a regular card by opening, closing, editing, going close the card's page.
- Edit and copy the content of the card you've been working with.
- Create a Cardtype for that kind of card (explaining it will now show up in the menu).
- Show a +*type+*content card.
Whenever compound names come up, explain them as necessary.
- Create a Search card and show all users - {"type": "User"}
- Change it to show all Users' e-mail addresses - {"right", "email"}
- Show tags on Include documentation and more by default
- Open in tabs:
- ...and explain relationship
(Also see Geek Intro Slide, Ethan's more recent slide show.)
Here are notes from some demonstrations we've done:
Wagn ran the conference wiki —
Idea to show other user editing when in a conflict.
Ludovic of XWiki:
Liked everything a card; also confusing, need to hide in some places.
Need custom UI in many places anyway.
Newton: Draw a diagram of relationship among: card, relative inclusion, Cardtype, forms
At RecentChangesCamp 2007 in Portland, we did speed intros.
Typical intro:
* Wiki is to word processing what Wagn is to database - users can evolve data structures over time, step by step, rather than having to sit down with a database designer, figure it all out in advance and be more or less stuck with it.
* cards rather than pages; each page has a bunch of cards.
* connections/connection cards - like fields of the card you're on.
* ease of editing
* data types, validation
* card types -> tag cloud when creating new cards
* ask if people want to play with it later, and invite them to on the spot.
Things we learned:
Some interest in
Dan Mendell suggested we look at
Prototype-based classification - George Lakoff, Eleanor Roche, Ludwig Wittgenstein
Antonio (Prototype-based categorization)
Ian Henderson? (Vendor Relationships Management) - defined human life in 3000
I did a lot of demos at BeaverBarCamp. Several were 45 minutes - long enough to get through the Demonstrations+for geeks with time left over. One was five minutes in front of the whole group, and i didn't quite get to WQL (though i mentioned it as time ran out, and someone in the audience yelled out, "it gets cooler!"). Notes on what i did below, followed by some responses, things i learned, etc. Thanks to everyone there who was interested to learn about Wagn! --John Abbe
Feedback, etc.
Ticket system is a good demo (for geeks)
Ask people:
Are you using something, and wondering how Wagn might be different?
Create a competitor Cardtype - list their important features
create one for Wagn describing all such features, then can show Tables comparing
Suggested features:
implement required fields on forms
separate back and front completely
API (in general, and especially for import/export)
drag & drop cards into the sidebar
support simple import and export
Swallow some TiddlyWiki features (possible use for the space under the main card!) -
Someone suggested we talk w a group @PSU: Lois Delcambre, Dave Meyer re arbitrary metadata and annotations for documents
Outlining Cardtype
Another possible name for pointers - stacks?
live faceted search
line:card, closed:open, how about collapsed:expanded?
"So are programmers obsolete now?" --Jesse Hallett (CloudFS guy)
John Sechrest Drupal - CCK (content creation kit), Views, panels, faceted search (re nodes, making everything a card)
September 3, 2008 - Chicago
Who: Michael Maranda, Ted Ernst, Regula Frey, Jean Nurture Girl Russell, Gerry Gleason, Lewis Hoffman, John Abbe, Ethan McCutchen
(Friday we demoed to Laura Hale and Susan Muldowney. Laura suggested as something that could use Wagn's structure. Also asked how Google views Wagns - e.g., inclusions in view:content are not going to be treated as links!)
Use cases
next gen project management
(incl pre-project stuff & fewer assumptions - eg maybe you're not in one org together, don't have a project already, etc.)
constituent/donor mgmt (CRM)
+hooks to other systems
(do for Grass Commons!)
Card creation scripting
create a card creation language so that you can create scripts
have Wagn export sets of cards to that language, and run that language to create card
What else should/could we do? (would make it possible/fun for me to Wagneer?)
ease of install (Ted)
create initial Screencasts
Others to look at: Commoncraft re wiki, Ted's for AboutUs
break current demo into ~five chunks - 1) wiki intro (editable, Recent, etc.); 2)
Opportunity: Social Media Practices (Jean, Nancy, etc.) is discussing taking on active stewardship
1) Ideally (from GC's perspective), they want to use Hooze, in which case no fee.
2) Willing to offer a three month free trial otherwise.
Here's a sandbox Wagn:
Remember to always offer people accounts on
A survey example:
We'd love to know what you think of Wagn. If you like, click to take our survey.