Demonstrations+for geeks
Show adding or at least viewing/editing an existing card, and how editing something in one place results in change elsewhere. Then go through these, eventually showing how that was Wagneered:
- Open/close main card, sidebar card.
- Add a card, type something, save.
- Include a relevant card with view:open, save.
- Show that it's a regular card by opening, closing, editing, going close the card's page.
- Edit and copy the content of the card you've been working with.
- Create a Cardtype for that kind of card (explaining it will now show up in the menu).
- Show a +*type+*content card.
Whenever compound names come up, explain them as necessary.
- Create a Search card and show all users - {"type": "User"}
- Change it to show all Users' e-mail addresses - {"right", "email"}
- Show tags on Include documentation and more by default
- Open in tabs:
- ...and explain relationship
(Also see Geek Intro Slide, Ethan's more recent slide show.)