Does format work in nested cardtypes?+issues

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with nested formatting of newly created cardtypes.

Picking up on your recipes example, to be clearer:

I created a new card type, let's call it Recipe cardtype.

I then created a new cardtype, let's call it Preparation cardtype and included this cardtype in the Recipe's cardtype content as {{+preparar | type=Preparation}}.

I formatted Preparation's content to include some formatting as well, let's say:

Start: {{+start}}

Finish-off: {{+finish}}


When i try to instanciate a new Recipe, i see the ability to input the new card "preparar", but this card's type is set to Basic, instead of "Preparation" as I would expect it to be.

Is there any issue with the nesting I'm doing on cardtypes and formatting? Or, is it because i reference newly created cardtypes? If, when directly inserting data into a newly created Recipe card, i change the "+preparar" cardtype from Basic to "Preparation" I do see the desired formatting, but would like to have it pre-selected.

Am I doing something wrong? Please help! :)