Editing TinyMCE



I wonder if it is for a question of security that it is impossible to edit http://sandbox.dwagn.org/wagn/*tinyMCE in order to personalize it.




--Louis Marmin



It is, but i think we can open it up for now at least. And by the way, not sure how you found the dwagn sandbox you've been using, but the one for public use is at sandbox.wagn.org. So please edit http://sandbox.wagn.org/wagn/*tinyMCE We should probably lock down the dwagn sandbox. --John Abbe

Thanks John. It is cool. Now I'm going to learn how to integrate new buttons into TinyMCE, specially to authorize JavaScript. Even uploading works fine.

  ----Louis Marmin (Not signed in).....Tue Jul 14 01:25:13 -0700 2009

Testing Captcha comments

  --Gerry (Not signed in).....Wed Dec 09 12:40:57 -0800 2009