Yeah?  You want to help?  Rock on!

Lots to do around here!  Here are some ways you can help:


Wagn's no beauty queen, but she's getting better looking all the time.  There's still a long way to go though, and we'd love to have help designing skins for new Wagns, building logos, improving icons, touching up layouts, etc.

Or, if you're more of an interface design person than a graphic design person, we could definitely use your help, too.  We're trying to make a lot of tough concepts simple and accessible, and that's a design problem if I ever heard one.


As you can see from this site's Documentation page, we're still lagging behind quite a bit in this arena.  You don't have to be a Wagn pro to help with documentation, you just need some initiative.  It's about asking questions and organizing.  What a great way to contribute to this open source community project!


We're extremely grateful for the software patches various folks have sent us already, and we're hoping to make Wagn a more and more welcoming project to contribute to.  Feel free to contact us!  Or you can just get started by installing Wagn and developing. When you come up with something you'd like us to see, send us a patch 

Dig In

Oh, and then there's the whole piece that makes community software - digging in and figuring out what could be done to make the site and software better.  Refine content, add suggestions, contribute to discussions, play with the features.  It's all a huge help!