Hosting and Consulting+FAQ
Questions with answers
Where is my Wagn hosted?
Wagns run on a server at a hosting facility in Portland, Oregon. We selected high quality hardware which has been very reliable - we've had only one day of downtime in over a year, which comes out to 99.7% availability, and the staff at the hosting facility is able to service the server on very short notice (usually within the hour).
What about backups?
We have three levels of backup:
- The server runs on a mirrored disk pair, which means that a single disk failure will not even interrupt service.
- We back up to an archive mirror on the server nightly.
- We backup off-site to our server here at the Grass Commons office in Eugene, Oregon nightly.
How secure are Wagn websites?
We think Wagns are fairly secure - the RubyOnRails framework and the account plugins we use for Wagn are widely used including in many high-profile projects. The Wagn permissions system is thoroughly integrated at a low level, so even if there are problems in the display code, Wagn won't give you access to cards you shouldn't be able to see.
We have also taken a number of precautions with our server configuration - in addition to standard firewalls, the Wagn websites run in a secure partition of the server, so that even if a Wagn site were to be hacked, it's unlikely the attacker would be able to break out of the partition and take over the whole server. That gives us the ability to restore a compromised partition or database from the previous nights backup, in most cases within hours.