How to create a virtual search in code


Suppose you need a pattern of searches. For example, on every user card, you want to search for and list all cards they created. Or that they have edited. Or all the cards that link to that user. 

As with everything else in Decko, the core pattern is to use cards to represent each search. That way you can use all the Decko tricks associated with styling cards. But you don't actually want to create and store a card for every instance of this search pattern. That would be very slow and wasteful.

Instead, Decko uses virtual cards. These cards are not...

You have created a mod.

You have created a set.

  1. Add the following to the top of your set:
   include_set Abstract::VirtualSearch,
               cql_content: { type: "RichText", name: "_left" },
               raw_help_text: "Help text with link to [[another card]]"