Installing manually+Debian

contributed by nico:

  1. already had my server setup with apache2, passenger, rvm and postgresql (howto)
  2. I also installed imagemagick (in case rmagick would work with it)
  3. got to your webroot 
  4. sudo git clone
  5. now you have a wagn folder
  6. change permissions to have write access, e.g.:
    sudo chown -R foobar:www-data wagn
  7. cd wagn (or whatever foldername you want)
  8. I tried, but no, rmagick is not working, so: outcomment rmagick in Gemfile
  9. bundle install --without mysql:memcache:test:debug:development:assets
  10. bundle exec rake wagn:install
  11. change your database.yml to fit your postgresql settings
  12. and of course have a working database already set up;
    wagn does dropping, creating, loading schema 
    so your database user should be granted createdb privileges
  13. bundle exec rake wagn:create and you should see the db setting up 
  14. create a /etc/apache2/sites-available/
  15. ...with e.g. a virtual host:
    <VirtualHost *:80>
          ServerName wagn.domain.con 
          # !!! Be sure to point DocumentRoot to 'public'!
          DocumentRoot /var/www/wagn/public
          <Directory /var/www/wagn/public>
             # This relaxes Apache security settings.
             AllowOverride all
             # MultiViews must be turned off.
             Options -MultiViews
  16. a2ensite
  17. /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
  18. got to your site and voila:

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did you try installing libmagick9-dev?