I know it's installed on my cloudstore site, but when my friend installed an instance just now, he got 1.12.6.
All versions since 1.12.6 have been coming out as the gem; you can certainly install that way to get the latest code. The source code is available from the develop branch on github; the readme there would be helpful when installing.
The reason your friend gets 1.12.6 is that he's installing from the master branch. We've been planning to bring all the gem code into the master branch with 1.13. There aren't any known significant problems with the gem code as it stands; at this point it's really just about polish and communicating to everyone about the upgrade. We didn't want to introduce a comparatively challenging upgrade (though it's really not that bad) as a point release to the master branch.
Would it be easier to blast away the new install and just try the gem one? If you've just installed wagn the old way, is there anything to be aware of in terms of dependencies that are different before starting?
If there's no valuable data there, then I would just go for a new install.
The dependencies haven't changed much; see the README for installation/upgrade docs.
My friend documented his attempt to get an install up and running. http://www.ambienautica.com/wagn_day_1.txt Can you offer any guidance based on where he's gotten?
Wow, high marks for documentation!
The first major issue is here Part II step 10:
10. Created file in /etc/apache2/sites_available with filename www.mysite.blah with the following data: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName www.mysite.blah # !!! Be sure to point DocumentRoot to ‘public’! DocumentRoot /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/wagn-1.12.12/public <Directory /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/wagn-1.12.12/public> # This relaxes Apache security settings. AllowOverride all # MultiViews must be turned off. Options -MultiViews </Directory> </VirtualHost>
You don't want to point directly to the gem directories, but to your mysite directory (not sure where that was exactly. I like /srv, /home is also common). Note that this means you can actually quite easily run several wagns on the same server.
This is admittedly confusing, because you need a "public" directory. As soon as we move a few remaining files into cards (most notably javascript files), the `wagn new mysite` command will create that public directory, and this will be much more obvious. But for now I would recommend adding a symlink from your mysite dir, eg `ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/wagn-1.12.12/public`. (note that this is a temporary solution, and that you'll need to fix it when you update the wagn gem)
I *think* that should be the route to the finish line.
The ruby / passenger problems are very familiar (and annoying). I would personally recommend using rvm for managing ruby versions, but your friend has pushed through the ubuntu way. With rvm, the passenger.conf will end up looking something like this:
<IfModule mod_passenger.c> PassengerRoot /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p484/gems/passenger-4.0.29 PassengerDefaultRuby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p484/ruby PassengerMaxPoolSize 40 </IfModule>
One minor note:
Part II, #11 is not needed
11. Made sure wagn was running with wagn server -d
In fact, it will start a "webrick" server, which is a quick and dirty alternative to apache (and other webservers) which by default will run on port 3000. It may be running there still! It's not likely to be a huge problem, but it could be a security issue. I'd recommend killing that process.
Once you get things up on apache, I'd also recommend setting up memcache. something like this:
1. apt-get install whatever the memcache libs are
2. add 'gem dalli' to Gemfile of mysite
3. run `bundle install` to install it
4. add this to mysite/config/application.rb:
config.cache_store = :dalli_store, []
5. restart apache
Hope it's ok if I include those docs as text here:
He says: Without setting up memcache, it does get me a wagn page (it redirects to admin/setup as a URL), but it's just the "Wagn Hitch :(" page, and all it says is "Server Error. Yuck, sorry about that.". If I do enable memcache, I get the setup page, but very barebones as if no styles have been applied. I'll attach a screenshot.
I may go through with starting over from the beginning of PART II anyway, just because of the Ruby version mess.
Redid the install without conflicting rubies, but still stuck at the same part, with a site that doesn't look like it's loading everything. Here's today's documentation. http://www.ambienautica.com/wagn_day_2.txt
It was a permissions thing. "I just had to set ownership of the whole wagn folder to the apache user and group (www-data)."
right. technically I think only config.ru and the files, log, and tmp directories need to be owned (or at least writeable) by www.data. I generally try not to make too many of the other files writable for security reasons, but to be honest you'd really have to have other configuration problems for this to really become an issue.