Law for All - Impact

More than 180 Ashoka Fellows have been involved in one of the Law for All Initiative's three central components: Fellow Security, Access to Justice, and Advocates for Social Entrepreneurs.

3 Fellow Security Consultations have been held since 2005, involving 33 Fellows and 11 staff in 22 countries across 3 diamond regions (Asia, Latin America and Africa).

51 legal cases and projects have been coordinated by Ashoka's Advocates for Social Entrepreneurs (ASE) program in the last year.

ASE collaborations between lawyers and Ashoka Fellows have taken place in 20 countries.

26 Ashoka Fellows from 8 different countries have received support from Law for All's Fellow Security Program since September 1, 2007.

24 law firms have a working partnership with Ashoka's Law for All initiative, offering pro-bono legal services and consultation.