
There was once a man who was overwhelmed with notes. Notes he took as a young man, scattered diaries and notebooks, fevered scribblings rushed onto paper before their object forgot.


At last, he decided that he needed a way to organize them all. But on what? On paper would wear out his hands. Paper would prevent easy reference from one idea to the next. Besides, more than half of these documents of his were on a computer. No, there had to be a better way.


Text files? No, what about that whole linking thing?


Perhaps he could put it all in a website. But he wouldn't want to make it a pain and type a=href over and over again in bluefish. What other way might there be?


Well, he could try software. He did. But the end result was a corrupted, inaccessible database and the attendant despair. Such despair, that he'd pull out his hair there. Zim failed him. 


There had to be some way that he could make linked, documents with tag organization, like the gmail style "label" system, that would allow easy entry and be easy to export to a new system.


The matter was left to rot, and papers stuffed in boxes. 


Years later, though, this poor soul's eyes peered from beneath their veil of matted hair at Wagn, and hope, once more there sparkled.