Why is this the centerpiece of Decko 1.0?

We think this is the best route to growing a healthy open-source community, which is one of our key goals.  A module system will:
  • help keep Wagn's core codebase light and nimble
  • enable a lot of other features that many but not all projects want
  • mean Wagn can meet the needs of projects for which Wagn is perfect, except this one piece that you want to build in a custom way.
  • ease progression from Wagneer to Developer, or at least as far along that spectrum as you might care to go.  Right now it's a pretty big leap to go from creating cardtypes to editing the core source code.
  • lead to lots of integration with other systems

What does it mean to be the centerpiece?

Basically, as we were looking through all the different things we wanted to do before Wagn 2.0, we looked at each feature and asked: do we really need to have this in place before we do modules?  If the answer was yes, we stuck it in the 2.0 plan. In coming emails we'll be introducing and discussing several of those features that we thought/think are necessary, but since modules are the pivot point, let's dig into them first.