Pointer+*type+by name
Renaming a Something+SomethingElse Card doesn't rename the SomethingElse Card or+SomethingElse Cards+tag
WEBrick log shows information about a file it can't find public assets missing.js?+status
Failing to precompile assets on ARM devices (raspberry pi 2)+status
Action Link to Create a Plus Card+status
WAGN app assets view just fine in WEBrick but no CSS, Javascript or Images from apache2?+status
Current or correct way to add permissions so that all cards or newly created ones are only visible by signed in users?+status
Cleaning or removing the tmp folder should be part of 'wagn seed' or the create symlink command?!+status
Best way to display card's content inline?+status
Pointer : empty
*follow+*right+*input type
*follow fields+*right+*default
Pointer : empty
*all+*follow fields
Support Ticket+*type+Gerry Gleason+*follow
Installation+discussion+*self+Gerry Gleason+*follow
Installing manually+*self+Gerry Gleason+*follow
speed up tests+*self+Gerry Gleason+*follow
Pattern Cards+implementation+*self+Gerry Gleason+*follow
Pattern Cards+implementation+discussion+*self+Gerry Gleason+*follow