Pointer+*type cards
No verification link in email+status
Font rendering is off+status
Adding a script to the <head> tag+status
wagn.org introduction videos should be converted to non-flash versions even though they are old+status
wagn.org introduction videos should be converted to non-flash versions even though they are old+tag
Shallow problem with the way the link syntax is treated+status
Shallow problem with the way the link syntax is treated+tag
How do I add my own javascript?+status
Can Pointer items default to something other than closed view?+status
Can Pointer items default to something other than closed view?+tag
Lightbox image display+status
Lightbox image display+priority
rebrand Wagn to Decko+status
rebrand Wagn to Decko+priority
Navjeet Chabbewal+tag
Navjeet Chabbewal+discussion+tag
Weird behavior creating a new "Something" CardType and then trying to control the "default" rule of all "Something" cards+status
Weird behavior creating a new "Something" CardType and then trying to control the "default" rule of all "Something" cards+tag
Changing text editors+status
Changing text editors+priority