Searching Cards, Data Entry and *navbox

Support Ticket


I'm working on The sole purpose of this site is to allow members to enter information about their organizations and for other members to search through that information. I have a few questions about how this will be implemented.


I guess data entry will be via an Organization card with includes for all the various pieces of data. So far so good ... although I have yet to discover how to implement a dropdown menu. Is this possible?


The search functionality is really the key to the whole thing. Is *navbox the only means of implementing a search?


My first problem with the navbox is that when I try and put it on a page it displays as the text "{{*navbox}}" although I am sure this is easily fixed.


The second problem is that the results are displayed in a somewhat unfriendly fashion. Is there a way to customise the way the results are displayed?


Finally, the project spec. specifically asks for the filtering of results using the values specified in those dropdown menus. I would guess that this is not possible using the navbox, right?


Sorry for the long post and list of questions but having finally translated our Functional Specification into English I realise that there might be some immediate implementation problems!


display problem occurs on this page:


It is not immediately obvious why the include doesn't work when immediately after the navbox inclusion there is a functioning one!


As for refining results, this is a key feature that has already been funded, and that we hope to deliver some time in November.  Because it involves some javascript work, we plan to do this alongside the rails 3 upgrade (wagn currently uses rails 2.3.11, but we have rails 3 mostly working in development).


As for the *navbox problem, there are currently issues whenever there is more than one navbox on a page.  That, too, will be fixed by wagn 1.8 (we're currently at 1.7.1).