Sort view by date (or other field)

Support Ticket

Sort view by date (or other field)+status
Sort view by date (or other field)+tags

Sort view by date (or other field)+issues

How can you get a view of a cardtype to display them in an order determined by sorting of one or more of the fields / subcards of cards of that cardtype?


Well, currently the sorting in WQL is limited to "name", "content", "update", and "create", and those fields can only apply to the cards being returning (not subcards).  You can use those with "sort" in a WQL search.


But the easier way is to use our card shortcut, like "by update".  You can add "+by update" to any search and it will sort by the last update date.  There's alse "+by create" and "+by name".  You can see the WQL that makes that work here.


We actually have funding for the sort by plus cards functionality and will have that soon.