Ticket Changes
select soft radio button on new forms+tag
select soft radio button on new forms+status
forms and cardtypes+discussion
forms and cardtypes+issues
forms and cardtypes+priority
forms and cardtypes+tag
forms and cardtypes+assigned to
forms and cardtypes+status
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+discussion
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+issues
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+example
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+priority
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+tag
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+status
Validate currency and percentage cardtypes+solution
new card with bad cardtype needs better error+discussion
new card with bad cardtype needs better error+example
new card with bad cardtype needs better error+priority
new card with bad cardtype needs better error+tag
new card with bad cardtype needs better error+assigned to