UnknownAction - No action responded to 0000+discussion

A few more questions:

  1. What version of rails are you using?
  2. Did you use the quick install method or git?
  3. What platform (OS / database) are you using?
  4. If you look in /public/card_images/0000/0009/, do you just see the one testimage.jpg or do you see several versions (you should also see a large, medium, small, and icon version)
  5. If you look in vendor/plugins/, do you see "make_resourceful"?
  6. I know you said it's not a permissions issue, but can you confirm that whatever user is running the server has read/write access to both /public/card_images and /public/card_images/0000?


I've never gotten completely clear on all the details of how this chunk of the code works, but I'm willing to dig in a bit, because I'm expecting to get involved in some touch-ups to it.


At first glance it seems like there's some sort of routing error, but...


Hold on, when you said it's correctly stored at <wagn_root>/card_images/0000/0009/testimage.jpg -- you do mean <wagn_root>/public/card_images/0000/0009/testimage.jpg, right?



SOLVED thanks to ethn.


I had no graphics library installed!

After a


gem install rmagik


and a after setting proper permission on /tmp/attachment_fu/ it worked like a charm!


Thank you for the IRC support.

  --cdtdaddy (Not signed in).....Wed Feb 23 11:03:18 -0800 2011