Vassilis Vatikiotis+interest in Wagn

For a couple of years now I'm searching a wiki to use as a personal logger. I've settled down on TiddlyWiki which is small, portable and has this fabulous features of importing tiddlers (Wagn cards seem very similar) from other TiddlyWikis.


During the last 6 months I've taken an intereset in RoR and Ruby. So the ideal wiki for me would be like:

a) In ruby, so Ican be involved

b) TiddlyWiki like, in terms of importing tiddlers/cards from other Wikis

c) On a light backend, sqllite seems ideal, with export capabilities per article/card or based on wql.

d) Online, TiddlyWiki is offline, no online implementations


And the cherry on top would be wiki plugin on vim so I could could use vim to write/check/upload articles/cards.


The cards mentality seems to bind very well with REST :)