Wagn 0.13+deploy+discussion

Roadmap to release for multihost:

  1. √implement domain map, using nurture + wagn as test: www vs wagn.wagn.org
  2. ~restore wagn and nurture wagns to non-cluster, pre-s3 state.
    (may be easiest to start over from pinz??)
  3. √run pre-cluster benchmarks against ang, notes in performance & google doc
  4. √run above Wagn 0.13+deploy+procedure on ang.  (note time) -- faster than I thought-- move_to_cluster is fairly fast, maybe an hour for all wagns.  cluster preparation & first wagn to test it is easily an hour tho.
  5. √ rough tests.
  6. √run post-cluster benchmarks
  7. √notify Team for testing
  8. work on followup in parallel with testing
    • further migrations within cluster
    • deploy:cold to cluster
    • standalone wagn setup
  9. handle problems from testing & rest of release preparation
  10. when everything else is ready do Release procedure, inserting Wagn 0.13+deploy+procedure at step 10.


sandbox: logo broke
recentchangescamp: amazon bucket creation?/uploads failed

CARD-KEY_UNIQUE error in migrations



  --Lewis Hoffman.....Fri Apr 10 17:43:34 -0700 2009