Wagn 0.9+Upgrade Notes

  1. You will need to install json gem! 
    /* sudo gem install json */
  2. for testing, you need flexmock gem
  3. memory_cache is giving us some grief, so add this to config/wagn.rb
    ActionController::Base.fragment_cache_store = :file_store
    (mem_cache also works, if you've got it installed)
  4. fulltext search is now supported in postgres (see below)

Installing postgres fulltext search

requires: postgres 8.2.x
  1. install tsearch2
    /* cd $PSQL_SRC_DIR/contrib/tsearch2/ */
    /* make */
    /* sudo make install */

    /* sudo -u postgres make installcheck */

  2. configure wagn.rb
    /* System.enable_postgres_fulltext = true */
    /* System.postgres_src_dir = "$PSQL_SRC_DIR" */
  3. /* rake wagn:prepare_fulltext */
    this step makes a number of assumptions- that you have sudo permissions,
    there is a user postgres with priveleges to add c-functions to the db. etc.
    if these cause trouble, edit lib/tasks/prepare_fulltext.rake