Wagn 1.11+Upgrade Notes

Please note:

As of this release, you will need to run to the following command for migrations:

rake wagn:migrate

(it used to be rake db:migrate).  For complete upgrade steps, see:

Standard Upgrade

1. Backups

Always back up your database and uploaded files.

2. Update Libraries

From your decko root directory run:

bundle update

3. Update Database

Run the following:

decko update

4. Restart your server.


Upgrade to Decko from Wagn

1. update references to “wagn” in file content

In your decko's root directory, edit Gemfile, config/application.rb, and config/routes.rb, and script/wagn, replacing “wagn” with “decko”. (Keep the same capitalization pattern.)

2. update references to “wagn” in file names.

From your decko root directory run:

mv script/wagn script/decko

3. continue as with Standard Upgrade


See above.


If your Wagn was NOT installed from a gem, then first check the Wagn version of your existing installation:


For version 1.10 through 1.12.6


  1. Create a new Wagn app using steps 1 and 2 from the installation section above.
  2. Copy config/database.yml from the old site to the new one.
  3. Copy the old local/files contents to the new files directory.
  4. If you have edited config/wagn.yml in your old site, make the corresponding changes to the new config/application.rb file.
  5. Follow the standard upgrade procedure above.


Upgrading pre-version 1.10

First update your Wagn to version 1.10 via the old update mechanisms, and then follow the directions above to then upgrade to the wagn gem.

 The benefit of the new process is that it separates the structural migrations from the card migrations, which should prevent the need for incremental upgrades in the future.