Wagn 1.8+Upgrade Notes


The (new-and-improved) standard upgrade procedure is described here:
Some special notes about the 1.8 release:
  1. Wagn will no longer work with Ruby 1.8.6.  Rails 3 requires a minimum of Ruby 1.8.7.  Wagn will work fine with 1.8.7 but will run faster with Ruby 1.9 versions.  (This is the first release of Wagn that supports Ruby 1.9).
  2. Unlike previous versions, Wagn now defaults to running in production mode.  We do this so that a default Wagn installation can require significantly fewer libraries, and so that Wagn users can avoid some installation hassles associated with developing with Rails 3's asset pipeline.    In consequence:
    • You should review your database.yml file to be sure your database is configured in production.
    • Unless you plan to do custom development, we recommend that you configure your wagn to use only the gems necessary for production.  For a typical mysql installation, your .bundle/config file should look something like this:
      BUNDLE_WITHOUT: postgres:test:debug:development:assets
    • If you want to modify wagn code see Wagn in development.
  3. If you're running a production site, see Wagn in production -- there are several recommended changes.
  4. config/wagn.rb is no longer used.  You can now set options via config/wagn.yml.  The file is not necessary, but if you would like to use it, you can copy it from config/samples/wagn.yml
  5. The URL pattern for searches has changed, and search URLs of the old pattern will break. For example, a search that used to look like http://wagn.org/search/interwiki now looks like http://wagn.org/*search?_keyword=interwiki The corresponding URL to generate RSS feeds has also changed, from e.g. http://wagn.org/search/interwiki.rss to http://wagn.org/*search.rss?_keyword=interwiki There will be more changes like this as we clean up URLs - see RESTful Web API and add a modular mechanism for custom URLs.