If the main card is "foo" and you type "+" in the search bar, autocomplete to "foo+|anything|".
http://play.dwagn.org/play/foo - typing "+" in the search bar gets no offer of foo+bar (which exists).
this is actually related to the _main syntax ones, in that wagn needs to know the main card context for all of these things.
assuming you mean add reference syntax for main card of page
--John Abbe.....Thu Jan 20 22:17:41 -0800 2011
not perfect (might want to think through the exact behavior a bit more), but working. And since this is mostly for hard-cores, it's probably ok if it's a little rough yet.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Dec 05 21:34:56 -0800 2011
yep, I broke this, too. Good catch. fixed.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Dec 22 10:04:17 -0800 2011