closed by date
autocomplete plus cards in context+status
make rendering limits catch recursions only+status
Ignore spaces after semicolons in inclusion+status
simple url for text pages like css+status
trashed cards of deleted type bust upon fetch+status
card exists but doesn't+status
escaping inclusions broken in some cases+status
clean code refs to css so "menu" an ok name+status
card exists and doesn't+status
add ability to pass hands of cards between Wagns+status
Allow renaming of A to A-plus-B+status
plus-star-options not being respected+status
improve flexmail for bulk mailing+status
inconsistent interpreting of inclusion markup+status
star-options not determining cardtype+status
fix *options on new cards+status
Error preventing viewing AK card+status
make *options work with "or"+status
sample_database.yml instruction errors+status